Monday 13 August 2012

K.A.M.I. Y.A.N.G. C.E.R.I.A


Salam Ramadhan buat sahabat2 blogger dan yang bukan blogger =D

Guys, you know what? This semester was veryyyy stress. 

Especially when it about work of  BEL311. Urghh, i'm getting tired with my lecturer. Today, he said A tomorrow he said B. The day after tomorrow?? You can guest what he will going to say. *sigh

I'm not hatting my lecturer. I'm just furious. huhu

He is nice guy. But, sometime he forgot what he say before. Hmm, I don't want to curse him. Anyway, he still my lecturer. I need to RESPECT him.

I assume him just like my father. I can't against him. If not I'll sad. Yes. I cant against someone who are older than me. Waaaaa~ aifa is sensitive person okay !

p/s : Don't try to judge me if you don't know who I am :)

But today, my classmate and I not really stress at all. Ya...... b'coz we not going to submit any work. 
Alhamdulillah ...

That why we can snap ! HAHA

guna nana punya lappy 

okay. its too happy right? haha. Jap lagi menangis la ni.

gelak-gelak jugak jap lagi 'ayahanda' masuk

okay fine ! nak jugak masuk gambar. Takpe2. Just for fun right?

AppleRed says : assignment tak start pun lagi. Aduhaiii~ stress lagi